Buddha - Your auto-scaling buddy

Schedule scaling of your MongoDB Atlas clusters

Scale With Buddha badge

MongoDB Atlas + Buddha = SAVINGS!

With Buddha, instead of paying for an expensive cluster tier for extended hours, scale to that tier only during the window you know your users use your app, scale down in colder hours and SAVE money!

Did you know? If you run M50 for 24hours, your basic daily cost is $48. However, if you run M50 for 10hours, and M30 for remaining, your basic daily cost is $27.56. Savings of more than 40%!

Buddha - Your auto-scaling buddy

Scheduled scaling was never this Easy!

Buddha fits every use case where you have predictable workload and a dedicated cluster tier on MongoDB Atlas:

Configure "times"

Buddha lets you configure times of scaling.
You get to decide when do you want to scale up and when do you wish to scale down.

Select tiers that make sense

Buddha allows you to configure which tier to scale up to for peak hour, and which tier to scale down to at regular hours.

Specific Days or Never Ending

Buddha lets you to choose whether you want a particular schedule for specific days or weekdays or weekends or never ending!

Buddha - Your auto-scaling buddy

Key Features

Easy access to all your clusters

Buddha makes configuring easy. All your dedicated clusters are provided to you in a drop-down for convenient selection!

Save Money!

With Buddha, you don't have run the peak cluster tier 24x7. Simply schedule as per your user workload and save money on a daily basis. Chances are that you'll recover Buddha's subscription cost in 1 day!*


Neither do we access the data in your cluster, nor do we store your keys as-is. The sensitive data is encrypted at-rest, in-use and in-transit.

Buddha - Your auto-scaling buddy


Buddha is affordable. Majority of our users recover Buddha's subscription fee in the first few days by saving more from their MongoDB Atlas Clusters!Select the desired subscription plan and frequency from the right and proceed to checkout on Gumroad.


Experienced unmatched support. We're always there for you. Reach out with feedback/queries:

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